uncertainty is the only certainty
2019 — 2022

future is the territory of anxiety. climate change, pandemic, war. what’s next? when history is back, confidence leaves the stage. i'm not sure what the future holds. which is more likely to happen: nuclear winter or mars colonization? how is it possible to be afraid of ww3 in the age of ps5?
the past breeds suspicion of the future. but those who are fooled by experience can become casualties of history. anticipating the worst while im
agining the best is considered positive thinking. they say you can see stars through a hole in the ceiling.
still, i’m oscillating between no doubt and no trust. you can warm yourself in a temple heated by candles. but the one who’s afraid of leaving the temple is doomed of missing the god.
the faster the world is getting, the slower i’m feeling. i’m anxious to catch up. yet, i feel like i’m always falling behind. i’m breaking out of the circle just to get sucked into a vortex. art is the only way to gain control over the shaking reality. however, it is merely an illusion of control.